School Stories

We hope you enjoy reading about our school! We try and ensure that we have a rich variety of activities and opportunities for our pupils of all ages.


December 2020

  • 30/12/20

    Essential Information for Parents Lent 2021

    Ahead of the new term please find available to download below a document containing essential information for parents and pupils. 
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  • 28/12/20

    Mass COVID-19 Testing in Schools UPDATED

    From Tuesday 5th January 2021 the government are offering all secondary aged pupils the option to be tested for COVID-19, even if asympotmatic. Further information about this programme can be found in the handbook which can be downloaded below.
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  • 17/12/20

    End of Michaelmas Term Video

    St. James' pupils and staff have now finished for the Christmas break. 
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  • 16/12/20

    End of Term Newsletter

    Read our end of term newsletter which rounds up a busy Michaelmas term at St. James' School.
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  • 08/12/20

    Friends of St. James' December Newsletter

    Download the latest edition of the Friends of St. James' Newsletter.
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  • 04/12/20

    Newsletter December 2020

    Please see this week's newsletter
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  • 03/12/20

    FOSJ November Newsletter

    Read the November Newsletter update from the Friends of St. James'. 
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December 2020