
St. James’ School is equipped to deal with all aspects of physical, emotional, and social wellbeing as well as illness and physical injuries.

The Medical Room is in the Senior Department but is available and accessible to all pupils throughout the school.

School Healthcare Coordinator: Mrs Tracy Shepherd
Opening times:   Monday - Friday 8.30am – 3.50pm
Medical Room:  01472 503270

Medical cover during sports fixtures and educational trips is provided by the member of staff overseeing the activity, with an on-site School Nurse and a Paramedic when necessary.

A completed Health Questionnaire is required from all pupils on admission to St. James’ School.


Non-prescription medication will be provided under the School Homely Remedies Protocol, available on request.

If during the School Year your child requires any medication (e.g. prescribed medication or antibiotics) you must complete an Administration of Medication to Pupil Parental Request Form, which may be downloaded below. Medication will not be administered without appropriate documentation and consent.

All pupil medication is sent home at the end of every academic year with new paperwork for completion to be returned with medication in September.

Day Pupils

Day pupils who are taken ill at school will be cared for until they are fit enough to return to class or arrangements are made for them to be collected and taken home or taken to hospital for further treatment as deemed necessary.

Boarders Only

Boarders will initially be cared for during the day by the School Healthcare Coordinator and out of school hours by the Housemaster or other member of the Boarding team. 

All Boarders will be registered with the School Doctor. Appointments with the School Doctor can be made on request through the School Nurse, Mrs Shepherd.


Please note that no medication, including homeopathic remedies, may be brought into St. James’ School by any Boarder. If any medication is required, the School will provide it.  Non-prescription medication will be provided under the School Homely Remedies Protocol, available on request.

Visits to the Dentist, Optician and other Specialists

These should preferably be arranged during the school holidays but can be arranged during term time if necessary. Parents are encouraged to accompany their children to all appointments but, if this is not possible, a member of the Boarding Staff will accompany them. Parents may be charged for transport. Staff will endeavour to inform parents of the visit and the outcome.

The School does not provide its own Dental service but has access to a private Dentist for emergencies.

The School is registered with Boots Opticians, and can if necessary, organise opticians appointments for boarders here.


Operations, accidents, severe illness, immunisation, or special treatment
If your child has any of the above during the school term or in the holidays, you must inform the School Nurse on their return to school. The information should be provided by means of a letter supported, if necessary, by a report from the specialist concerned and should include details of medicines and treatment recommended, if these need to be continued.

Vomiting and Diarrhoea  

If your child has an episode of vomiting and/or diarrhoea they should remain at home and not return to School until 48 hours after the last bout of vomiting or diarrhoea.

Infectious diseases

If, during the holidays, your child is exposed to anyone suffering from an infectious disease (e.g. Chickenpox or Mumps) they may return to school when the term begins, but the School Nurse must be informed if your child has not already had the disease.

Only in the unlikely event of contact with diphtheria, poliomyelitis, typhoid, paratyphoid fever, bacillary dysentery, meningococcal infection, hepatitis A or B or HIV infection your child should be kept at home until you have consulted a Doctor.

Guidance on infection control in schools is available on the Health Protection Agency website.

Tropical diseases

The School Nurse must be informed if your child has been exposed to the risk of Malaria.


All immunisations should be up to date before arrival.

Food and other Allergies

St. James’ School aims to be a Nut Free School although this cannot be guaranteed. As such, we ask parents to be aware of this when providing lunches/snacks for your children. If your child has any food allergies please discuss these with the School Nurse who will liaise with Catering Department.

Parents of pupils who have a serious allergy or allergies are required to complete a Health Care Plan with the School Nurse, Mrs Shepherd, upon entry to St. James’, and again annually at the start of the academic year. Where necessary, they should provide the School with an adrenalin pen.  It is extremely important that the School Nurse is kept informed of such allergies so that teachers are aware.  Staff are given Anaphylaxis training annually.


Mrs Shepherd, the School Nurse offers informal counselling, and the school utilise the online service, Kooth


The School recognises the need to provide policies and procedures to safeguard pupils and staff, including those with chronic conditions.

If your son is suffering from Asthma, Diabetes, Epilepsy or allergies, please see the School Nurse to discuss these conditions in detail.

This information and school medical policies are available to parents from the Headmaster’s PA, Mrs Jennings, by request.


In accordance with the School Nurse’s professional obligations, medical information about pupils, regardless of their age, will remain confidential.  However, in providing medical care for a pupil, it is recognised that, on occasions, it may be necessary to liaise with parents or a guardian, the Headmaster, academic staff (and boarding house staff where applicable), and that information, ideally with the pupil’s prior consent, will be passed on as appropriate. The School Nurse will respect a pupil’s confidentiality with regard to all matters except on the very rare occasions when, having failed to persuade a pupil to give consent to divulgence, the School Nurse considers it in the pupil’s best interests, or necessary for the wider protection of the School community, to breach confidence and pass on information to the relevant body. 

To find out about our First Aid Policy, please click here.